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Banques centrales mondiales

Rechercher une Banque Centrale

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Banque nationale du Cambodge (NBC)

The National Bank of Cambodia, located in Phnom Penh, is the central bank of Cambodia. The Bank's duties include the management of monetary and exchange policies, the...

0%  Cambodge
Banque du Canada (BOC)

La Banque du Canada est la banque centrale du pays. Elle n'est pas une institution financière et elle n'offre pas de services bancaires au public. Elle est plutôt...

5,00%  Canada
Banque centrale du Cap Vert

The Bank of Cape Verde is Cape Verde's central bank. It is located in the national capital of Praia on Santiago in Cape Verde. The government established it in 1975 as a...

3,50%  Cap-Vert
Banque centrale du Chili

The Central Bank of Chile was created by decree law No. 486, 21 August 1925, under the government of President Arturo Alessandri Palma. This initiative arose as one of...

0,75%  Chili
Banque populaire de Chine (PBOC)

La Banque populaire de Chine est la banque centrale de la République populaire de Chine, qui possède le pouvoir de contrôle de la politique monétaire et de réglementation...

3,45%  Chine
Banque centrale de Chypre

The Central Bank of Cyprus was established in 1963, shortly after Cyprus gained its independence, as an autonomous institution in accordance with the Central Bank of...

0,0%  Chypre
Banque de la République de Colombie

The Bank of the Republic is the central bank of the Republic of Colombia. Its main functions are detailed by the Congress according to the Ley 31 de 1992. One of them is...

4,25%  Colombie
Banque centrale des Comores (BCC)

The Central Bank of the Comoros is the central bank of the Comoros, a group of islands in the Indian Ocean. The statutes of the BCC state that its Board of Directors...

0%  Comores
Banque de Corée (BOK)

La Banque de Corée fut créée à l’origine avec un capital de 1,5 milliards de won, dont la totalité était souscrite par le Gouvernement, mais l’amendement de la Loi sur la...

3,50%  Corée du Sud
Banque centrale du Costa Rica

The Central Bank of Costa Rica is in charge of establishing banking policy. It is then up to the SUGEF (the General Supervisory Agency of Finance) to enforce compliance...

0%  Costa Rica
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