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Banques centrales mondiales

Rechercher une Banque Centrale

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Banque centrale du Nigéria (CBN)

The Central Bank of Nigeria was established by the CBN Act of 1958 and commenced operations on July 1, 1959. The major regulatory objectives of the bank as stated in the...

26,25%  Nigéria
Banque centrale de Norvège

Norges Bank is Norway’s central bank. The Bank shall promote economic stability in Norway. Norges Bank has executive and advisory responsibilities in the area of monetary...

0%  Norvège
Banque de réserve de la Nouvelle-Zélande (RBNZ)

La Banque de réserve de la Nouvelle-Zélande (Reserve Bank of New Zealand) est la banque centrale de Nouvelle-Zélande, constituée dans le cadre du Reserve Bank of New...

5,50%  Nouvelle-Zélande
Banque centrale du Népal (NRB)

The Nepal Rastra Bank ,established in 1956, is the central bank of Nepal. It supervises the commercial banks in Nepal and guides monetary policy. Nepal Rastra Bank also...

5%  Népal
Banque centrale d'Oman (CBO)

The Central Bank of Oman is responsible for maintaining the stability of the national currency the Omani Rial and ensuring monetary and financial stability in a...

1,50%  Oman
Banque de l'Ouganda (BOU)

The Central Bank of Uganda is 100% owned by the Government of Uganda, but is not a government department. Although it conducts it's activities in close association with...

10,25%  Ouganda
Banque centrale d'Ouzbékistan (CBU)

The Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan represents a centralized control system. For the performance of assigned tasks it creates the appropriate services and...

14,0%  Ouzbékistan
Banque d'Etat du Pakistan (SBP)

The State Bank of Pakistan is the central bank of Pakistan. While its constitution, as originally laid down in the State Bank of Pakistan Order 1948, remained basically...

7,5%  Pakistan
Banque nationale du Panama

The National Bank of Panama is one out two government owned banks in Panama. As of January 2009 it held deposits of about 6 billion dollars. The other government owned...

0%  Panama
Banque de Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée

Bank of Papua New Guinea's main function is to issue currency and to act as the banker and financial agent to the Government. It is also in charge of regulating banking...

7%  Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée
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