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Banques centrales mondiales

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Banque nationale du Rwanda (NBR)

The National Bank of Rwanda is the central bank of Rwanda. The bank was founded in 1964 and is quartered in Kigali; it operates Rwanda's principal securities exchange,...

4,5%  Rwanda
Banque centrale de la République Dominicaine

The Central Bank of the Dominican Republic was created on October 9th, 1947. It commenced operations on October 23rd of the same year, serving as a decentralized and...

3,0%  République Dominicaine
Banque nationale tchèque (CNB)

The Czech National Bank is the central bank of the Czech Republic and the supervisor of the Czech financial market. In accordance with its primary objective, the CNB sets...

7,00%  République Tchèque
Banque centrale de Saint-Marin (BCSM)

The Central Bank of the Republic of San Marino was established through a combination between the Istituto di Credito Sammarinese (a body with public and private...

0%  Saint-Marin
Banque centrale des Îles Salomon (CBSI)

Central Bank of Solomon Islands (CBSI) was established in February 1983 under the Central Bank of Solomon Islands Act 1976 which was amended in 1985 to, amongst other...

13,42%  Salomon
Banque centrale des Samoa (CBS)

The Central Bank of Samoa is the nation's reserve bank and, as such, it acts as banker to the Government and the commercial banks. The Central Bank undertakes the...

5%  Samoa
Banque centrale de Sao Tomé et Principe (BCSTP)

At independence in 1975, the government converted the local branch of the Portuguese colonial bank, Banco Nacional Ultramarino, into the National Bank of São Tomé and...

15,0%  Sao Tomé-et-Principe
Banque nationale de Serbie (NBS)

National Bank of Serbia is the central bank of Serbia; its main responsibilities are the protection of price stability and maintenance of financial stability. Core...

1%  Serbie
Banque centrale des Seychelles (CBS)

The Central Bank of Seychelles Act, 2004 provides for the Bank to operate as an autonomous institution, reinforcing its status as the authority responsible for all...

11,3%  Seychelles
Banque de Sierra Leone (BSL)

The Bank of Sierra Leone issues the country's currency, known as the Leone. The bank formulates and implements monetary policy, including foreign exchange. In addition,...

9,50%  Sierra Leone
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